Pageant admins



Patrick Munguti is the director of Wamajee Media Plus Ltd. As the key administrator of the event he will make sure that every aspect of the event is well coordinated and is within the set out guidelines. His other roles are to ensure legal licensing and government approval as well as financing.

He can be reached through: =254 722 96 27 09


Alexander Ndivo is the event coordinator of the Kibwezi Beauty and Fashion Contest. His role will be to

  • Work with and organize the contestants in both categories
  • Advertise the event
  • Create and distribute participant registration forms.
  • Create participants profiles to be read out by the emcee during the contest.
  • Create contestants information kit and materials that will help the girls during the event.
  • Create interview questions.
  • Organize the judges and the judgment criteria.
  • Organize travel and accommodation arrangements for any special guests and entertainers.
  • Create a program for the event
  • Look for sponsors
  • Organize prizes for the contestants
  • Organize beauticians for the event.

The event coordinator can be reached through: +254 723 640 587

Assistant coordinator

Alice Wangeci

+254 721 28 55 54


MR. David Mwaniki will be the venue and security assistant.

His role will be:

  • Make sure the venue for the event is ready and available at the set date to avoid inconveniences.
  • Set the stage, table for judges and decorate the venue in preparation for the event.
  • Organize for security at the event.
  • Make sure the contestants have a room to keep their personal belongings, change clothes, apply makeup and style their hair.

He can be reached through: +254 722 212 374


Ushers will assist in arranging the venues and guiding, guests and participants to ensure harmony during the event.

All the staff will have a special badge to show their designation.

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